Hall of #1s / COCA COLA


Unica.ro, for Coca Cola

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Brief: Coca Cola Zero had just been awarded their #1 best brand for no sugar coke and they wanted us to help them spread the news. A powerful special project, as memorable as their drink, was needed.

Concept: Create an interactive gallery which people walk through virtually and discover the best of the best in various domains. We took the stakes higher: why not celebrate ten years since Coke Zero was launched together with this awesome new achievement? So we modelled our gallery according to this double celebration. Our readers discovered the hits by years, from 2007 to 2017: #1 people or projects for every year Coke Zero has been refreshing people.

DeliverablesSpecial website with interactive design (includes concept and copy, design, coding, management), 150 articles (heavily researched, carefully crafted), native advertising, promotion.