Brief: Celebrating one year since the implementation of RetuRO in Romania, they aimed for a digital campaign targeting the end consumer, with the objective of increasing the population’s tolerance toward the SGR system [System of Extended Producer Responsibility (in Romanian, Sistemul de Garanție-Returnare)].
Concept: Collecting Stories.
“Collecting Stories” is connected to RetuRO through the idea of collecting not just packaging, but also experiences and personal testimonials. Instead of focusing solely on the technical process of collecting and recycling packaging, the campaign highlights the human aspect of the system, encouraging the public to get involved and share their personal stories related to recycling or the impact the RetuRO initiative has had on them. Thus, the name “Collecting Stories” suggests an emotional connection between the packaging collection process and community involvement, making the system more relatable and easier to understand for consumers.
“Collecting Stories” involves creating three mini-reports with people from different walks of life and backgrounds, each sharing their experience with the Deposit-Return System implemented by RetuRO. These materials will be distributed exclusively on digital platforms and social media, aiming to raise awareness and public engagement effectively.
Content: We’ve created a video series with an influencer, a student, and an athlete in which we discuss their activities and how they integrate the new RetuRO recycling program into their daily routines. Accompanied by dedicated articles.
Performance: 93.6k views, 240k people reach on Social Media, 7.7k page views.